ブランド名も日本語からインスパイアーされております。 幼少のころ、手袋を逆から読む言葉遊び「ロクぶて」にちなみ、GLOVE(グローブ)の逆読み「EVOLG」(エヴォログ)と名付けられました。


その高いデザイン性とファッション性でスマートフォン手袋の火付け役と誕生してから、いまや雑貨、ファッション、アウトドア、ライフスタイル、 スポーツなどのあらゆるマーケットで成長を遂げている数少ないグローブブランドとなりました。


The EVOLG project was originally conceived in 2008. After various research and development, sampling, and quality tests, it finally came to debut in 2010.

Our mission is to present what we consider as Japanese quality. That is, a top-of-the-rank usability and functionality, coupled with colourful design and surprise. Each of our products is made in Japan and with fun names coming from Japanese word play.

All the EVOLG knitted-gloves are produced and packaged in Japan using the finest materials that we carefully pick in order to assure the comfort for our users.

Each one is made in a Japanese factory with more than 65 years of experience and knitting techniques.

「UNIFORM STANDARD」をコンセプトに掲げ、UNBINDがゴルフシーンに新たなスタイルを吹き込んで行く。

A brand specializing in golf and athletics launched in February 2020.
With the 3S (SKATE/SURF/SNOW) as the starting point, while showing respect for the traditional, free expression and maximum FUN are poured into it.
We will release items that were not likely.
With the concept of "UNIFORM STANDARD", UNBIND will bring a new style to the golf scene.

KNOW(知る)× WAY(方法、道) = KNOWY 声に出して言うと"ノーウェイ!(No way)" "ありえなーい!"とか、"だっせー!"とか場面によって異なります。

Comfortable and cool snowwear from piste cruises to big mountain rides.
When you say it aloud, it depends on the situation, such as "lame" ,"no way!".

2006年に誕生したHeinは、"Not have concept Please dyeing Hein to your color"「Heinを通じて、あなたのLife Styleに変化が起こる事を望んでいます」をコンセプトに着る人によって様々にスタイルに変化するよう作られております。それは、決して流行に左右されるデザインではなく、Hein独自のスタイルを提供することをブランド創設時から貫いています。

Hein was born in 2006 with concept " Dye with your color " We expect changes to happen to your life style through Hein.Hein is made to fit the style who wears that never influenced by the trend. This has been kept from the time of brand creation to offer Hein's original style.